How to use “cmro” as a template for a new website

(Using joomla!)



  1. Copy all files in “c:\xampp\htdocs\my_tasks\remote_site\cmro” to the remote site (or, a local site)
  2. Create a new database at the remote site (Fatcow) using “phpMyAdmin”.  Assign “database name”, “user name”, and “password”.


Databases  > Create database


  1. Import the original database file (xxx.sql) to the new database.


Databases > database to be imported  > Import > Choose File  > GO


            Character set of the file:  utf-8

            Partial Import: checked

            Format: SQL

            Format-Specific Options:

                        SQL compatibility mode:  NONE

                        Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values:  checked


  1. Modify “configuration.php” at the root directory by entering correct “database name”, “user name”, and “password”.


$sitename = ‘sitename

$host = ‘    ’;                $host = ‘localhost’ (for local site)

$user = “   ’;

$password = ‘   ‘;

$bd = ‘debase name’; (debase name)



  1. Upload the modified “configuration.php” file to the remote site