Making a Slide Show
By playing a MP4 Video
1. Prepare individual slide using a graphic software such as “IrfanView”. All slides should have the same size, such as 352x288.
2. Run “Slidesow Creator”
3. Drag the slide to the edit bar, one by one. Select the appreciate slide size, such as 353x288 4:3. For each slide, specify the picture fitting type to be “Expend”. Remember that the default type is “Letter Box”. Make sure to change the type to “Expend”.
The default photo duration is 3 seconds. To change this value, click the ↑ or ↓ and then click √. Without clicking √, the duration value will not be changed.
4. Select “Transitions” on the menu bar. Choose an appreciate transition and drag it to the small transition box between two photos. The default photo duration is also set to 3 seconds. To change this value, click the ↑ or ↓ and then click √. Again, without clicking √, the duration value will not be changed.
5. After completing steps 3 and 4, try to play the video. If satisfied, go to File > Save project as.. and save a .ssp file.
6. To export a .mp4 file, go to File > Save as video file > Format: MP4 – Quality: Good. Select a target folder to save the video by clicking “Choose directory” and give a file name. Then click “Go” button.
7. Edit the HTML and add the following code.
<div class="center">
width="520" autoplay loop >
<source src="slide_show.mp4"